Sunday, August 14, 2011

Against or for Piercing Infants Ears?

Our daughter is 4 months old and we are thinking about getting her ears pierced when she turns 6 months old. There is always the thought in the back of my head though we should just wait and let her make the decision. I also remember though working at Claire's years ago where we would peirce little girls ears and they would want the earrings so bad but not want to go through the pain or just be scared to death. I couldn't tell you how many little girls walked out of there with only 1 ear pierced. (I am talking about girls from the age of 5-11ish). I know that they do sometimes have 2 guns to pierce the ears with but they didn't always so they couldn't always do both ears at the same time. What is your take on it? Would you recommend having it done early or would you recommend waiting? What did you do for your daughter and why? Thanks in advance for the opinions.

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