Monday, August 8, 2011

Isn't it time we took infrastructure off the back burner?

I'm watching a show on the History Channel about how bad our infrastructure is. The vast majority of our roads are becoming obsolete. Potholes and sewer leaks are rampant everywhere. The levees breaking in New Orleans and the bridge collapse in Minneapolis should be wake-up calls. They did a recent survey around the country and all of our roads, sewers, pipelines, aqueducts, water mains, and bridges got a D. That is abysmal. Infrastructure is a key part in the development of a nation. That was how Rome became an empire. They built numerous bridges, roads, and aqueducts. Germany became a world superpower when Hitler built the Autobahn. China is rising fast because they are investing heavily in infrastructure. Back during the Eisenhower Administration, our government spent 12 percent of its budget on infrastructure. We now spend roughly 2 percent. What is the deal? These roads are reaching their expiration dates. This is something you might hear about in Third World countries. It really irritates me when I read about other First World nations having sound infrastructures. Last year, when I went to Canada, I was embarred to be an American. I was ashamed not just because I'm from Texas (the home of GW Bush.) I was disgusted because I saw that the roads and engineering in Canada were night and day from the ones here.

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